Information Releases

Economic Trends Research, April 2024

The domestic economy worsened for the first time in two months
— High raw material prices and insufficient price pass-through exerted downward pressure on the economy —

Trend in April 2024: Temporary Setback

The Economic Diffusion Index (DI) in April 2024 declined by 0.3 points from the previous month to 44.1, deteriorating for the first time in two months.
The domestic economy retreated for the first time in two months, partly due to the rapid depreciation of the yen and increased cost burdens, which worsened the corporate earnings environment.

Future outlook: Gradual Pickup

Although there is uncertainty in foreign exchange rates, the future economy is expected to gradually pick up due to factors such as wage increases.

Primary points of survey results(summary)

  1. 1 By industry: Worsened in 6 out of 10 industries, burdened by high raw material prices, etc.
  2. 2 By scale: All scales worsened for the first time in two months due to the increasing severity of the corporate earnings environment.
  3. 3 By region: Worsened in 6 out of 10 regions. The tourism industry was strong, but there were concerns about widening intra-regional disparities.
Economic Trends Research, April 2024
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